Kveðja frá Peter Bergvall

Hi there! I just wanted to write a few lines about my time on Island even if i will be back for the last enduro… I´ve just had a great time on Island(dispite a few crashes) and racing with all you guys have been a blast!!!
I´ve done a lot of racing in a lot of countries but i have never seen the spirit and enthusiasm that you have over

 there!! Keep it up! Nice to see every single night at mx-school how eager everybody are to learn new things!! I´d like to thank some people for making my stay on Island possible: Yamaha Island, Toyota, Thor, Gulli, Valdimar (hetnaaaa..), Torfi and familly, everybody in Yamaha team, Maia, and if i forgot  someone just fill your name in: Thanks _________!!! So that´s it for now! See you at the last enduro!!! By the way Mats Andreasson sends his best to all of you and says he had a blast on Island!!! Bye for now! Peter Bergvall alias Petur Bergveggur…..

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